block out

[blɔk aut]
  • 释义
  • 遮住;遮挡…使不被印出来;画出…的略图; 打草样;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Block out this unimportant detail at the top of your picture.


  • 2、

    Block out the bottom of this picture when it is printed ; the balance of the page will be better.

    洗印的时候, 压掉照片的底部,这样看起来平衡效果好些.

  • 3、

    The standard exploration procedure here has been to block out areas on the magnetic map.


  • 4、

    A Party branch committee meeting will be called to block out a plan of action.


  • 5、

    Giuseppe Conlon: All they done was block out the light.


  • 6、

    He lowered the blind to block out the sunlight.


  • 7、

    Block out of trouble, from the dragon and phoenix there are two options.

    那样座麻烦, 从龙凤到那有两个选择.

  • 8、

    It took me into other worlds, to help block out the pain.

    它带我进入另一个世界, 帮我止住疼痛.

  • 9、

    A meeting will be held to block out a plan of action.


  • 10、

    They block out a great big house, found a much smaller lot than the original house.

    他们搬出那座很大很大的房子, 找到了一间比原来小很多很多的房子.
